I have used Phoranso for the photometric reduction of my CCD and CMOS images during the entire application development cycle. I have processed tens of thousands of FITS images, tested routines over and over, and studied dozens of papers. But I could not have done it alone. I wish to acknowledge the generous help of many friends.

I'm especially indebted to Joseph Postma, then affiliated with the University of Calgary, for his support with the integration of the WCSAutoSolver in Phoranso, which is one of the supported astrometric solvers. 

Profound gratitude to Ivan Adamin for his invaluable contribution to Phoranso through the implementation of the WCSLib library, an essential component of Phoranso.

I'd like to extend my sincere appreciation to Josch Hambsch for his unwavering dedication in rigorously testing Phoranso and offering invaluable feedback.

I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to Ken Menzies for his invaluable guidance in enriching Phoranso and for his profound insights in high-precision photometry. 

My deepest gratitude goes out to the numerous Beta testers, including Jean-Bruno Desrosiers, Magnus Larsson, Geoff Stone, Dick Post, Stephen M. Brincat, Martin Mifsud, Matthew Beaky, Claudio Lopresti, Mike Wiles, Rich Schmidt, Barbara G. Harris, Maarten Vanleenhove and Greg Bolt.

Above all I would like to thank my wife for her constant support, for all the late nights, and for keeping me sane over the past months of hard work. Thank you for your patience and encouragement. 


Tonny Vanmunster, April 2024