Photometry or PH

The Photometry command facilitates the calibration, solving and photometric reduction of a folder containing Science images. It encompasses several parameters, some of which are mandatory, while others are optional. These parameters serve to specify the input requirements of the command.

It is advisable to review the explanations provided for the interactive Photometry operation. This will enhance your understanding of the Photometry command parameters and their respective functionalities:

    • ScienceFolder or -SF: specifies the location of the folder with (incoming) Science images

    • CalibrationGroup or -CG: specifies the name of the Calibration Group to be used for calibrating Science images. This is an optional parameter. If this parameter is omitted, your science images will not be calibrated by Phoranso.

    • CalibratedImagesFolder or -CIF: specifices the name of the subfolder to store calibrated images. This is an optional parameter, and the default value is "Calibrated"

    • UsedCalibrationImages or -UCI: specifies the name of the subfolder to store the calibration group images used during calibration. This is an optional parameter, and the default value is "Masterfiles"

    • ReportsFolder or -RF: specifies the name of the subfolder in which photometric reports will be stored. This is an optional parameter, and the default value is "Reports"

    • LiveMode or -LM: indicates that the photometry has to run in live mode, keeping an eye on incoming science images. This is an optional parameter, and the default value is "False"

    • ReportDelay or -RD: is exclusively applicable when LiveMode has been activated. It then indicates that if no new incoming science images appear in the Science folder within the specified delay period in minutes, Phoranso will conclude the Photometry command by generating Photometric reports. The type of reports to be generated is determined by the LoadSettings command. This is an optional parameter, and the default value is 1.

    • CleanMemory or -CM: indicates if the photometric Memory of Phoranso needs to be cleaned after Reports have been generated. This is an optional parameter, and the default value is "True"

    • Verbose or -V: this optional parameter has the default value "True", indicating that the progress achieved during execution of the Photometry command will be displayed in the Command Prompt.

    • ErrorsOnly or -ERR: this optional parameter has the default value "False". Set it to "True" if you want to limit the messages appearing in the Command Prompt to errors encountered during execution of the Photometry command.

To execute the command from a Windows Command Prompt, open a Command Prompt and type Phoranso Help or Phoranso h


  • Phoranso Photometry -SF "G:\My Astronomy CCDObs\2024\2024 03 15 XD\BY Cam"  

Processes all existing science images in the Science Folder "G:\My Astronomy CCDObs\2024\2024 03 15 XD\BY Cam" without  calibrating the images. Photometric reports are stored in the default subfolder “Reports”. The photometry progress appears in the Command Prompt. The memory files, produced by Phoranso during photometry, are removed upon completion of the command.

  • Phoranso Photometry -SF "G:\My Astronomy CCDObs\2024\2024 03 15 XD\BY Cam" -V False

Same as above but without photometry progress appearing in the Command Prompt. 

  • Phoranso Photometry -SF "G:\My Astronomy CCDObs\2024\2024 03 15 XD\BY Cam" -CG "CBA XD Feb 2023 Calib Group"

Before doing photometry of the science images, Phoranso will first calibrate the (raw) BY Cam images using the calibration master files of calibration group "CBA XD Feb 2023 Calib Group". Calibrated images will be stored in the default subfolder "Calibrated", while the photometric reports will be stored in the default subfolder "Reports".

  • Phoranso Photometry -SF "G:\My Astronomy CCDObs\2024\2024 03 15 XD\BY Cam" -LM True -ReportDelay 2

Processes all science images in the Science Folder "G:\My Astronomy CCDObs\2024\2024 03 15 XD\BY Cam" in Live Mode (-LM True). Next to already existing science images, Live Mode will also monitor your Science Folder for new incoming science images and process those. 
This is particularly useful when running an observing session over night at your telescope: you can launch Phoranso in live mode and it will process images immediately after they have been acquired. 
The ReportDelay (-RD) option specifies that if no more science images are added to the Science Folder during 2 minutes, Phoranso will conclude the command and produce the reports.