The Phoranso User Guide is automatically installed on your PC during the standard Phoranso installation process. To access it, simply navigate to the Help menu and select User Guide (local) to view the Phoranso User Guide directly from your local system.

The User Guide provides convenient access to information through an integrated table of contents, an index, and a full-text search feature, all located in the left section of the User Guide window. To explore a topic, click on the + symbol preceding a book icon to expand it. 

As you navigate through the table of contents, index, or search results on the left section of the User Guide window, a comprehensive explanation of the selected topic will be displayed in the right section. 

  • Contents tab: browse through the table of contents by clicking the Contents tab. Double-click on book icons to reveal topic entries and sub-books. Click a table of contents entry to display the corresponding topic. 

  • Index tab: access a list of index entries by clicking the Index tab. Either type a word or scroll through the list. Topics are often indexed under multiple entries. Double-click an index entry to display the corresponding topic. 

  • Search tab: locate every occurrence of a word or phrase in the User Guide by clicking the Search tab, entering the desired word or phrase, and clicking List Topics. Double-click a search result to display the corresponding topic. 

To bookmark a topic, follow these steps:

    1. Use the Contents, Index, or Search tabs to locate and display a topic. 
    2. Click the Favorites tab
    3. Click Add to save the topic title to the Topics list. 
    4. Double-click a bookmark in the Topics list to quickly display the topic.