2006, Jul 14/15
It took me till mid of July, to finally have a
nice display of noctilucent clouds in 2006.
Excellent sky transparancy allowed for observations
under nearly ideal conditions. The pictures below
were taken with a 8 megapixel Lumix Panasonic
FZ30 digital camera, equipped with a 35-420 mm
objective, and used at 100 ASA.
Exposure 4 sec at f/3.6 - iso 100 - July 14,
2006 at 21h14m UT. (c) Tonny Vanmunster
6 sec exposure at f/3.6 - iso 100 -
July 14, 2006 at 21h16m UT. (c) Tonny Vanmunster
6 sec exposure at f/3.6 - iso 100 - July 14,
2006 at 21h18m UT. (c) Tonny Vanmunster