Activating/deactivating observations
To activate or deactivate one observation in an Observation Window, hold the Shift button and (single) click the left mouse button when the mouse cursor is close to the observation of interest. Peranso will toggle the Use state (active/deactive) of the observation that is nearest to the mouse cursor. Active observations are represented by filled markers (circle, square or triangle), while inactive observations appear as open (non-filled) markers. To activate or deactivate a group of observations in an Observation Window, hold the Shift button and meanwhile click and hold the left mouse button. A rubberband rectangle appears. Release the left mouse button when the rectangle contains the observations of interest. Peranso will toggle the Use state (active/deactive) of all observations within the rubberband rectangle. You can activate or deactivate an entire Observation Set at once. See section Observation Sets for more details.