What if you have no idea what the period may be ? Then scan a really large range of periods using the Automatic period scan in the FALC Workbench. Since the period Increment scales as inverse period squared, it is efficient to increase the Increment as the trial period gets longer. 

  1. Select Automatic period scan or enter a negative Order, to instruct Peranso to scan over a large range of periods, keeping in mind that the period Increment will be increased proportional to 1/P^2 (P being a trial period) as it goes along. 

  2. A visual inspection of the individual ObsSets of 1036 Ganymed reveals that the period could hardly be less than 9.5 to 10 hours, so let's start an Automatic period scan using Order = -3, starting from a Min period(h) of 9.5, with a fine increment of 0.001 hours and 1500 steps. Then click Find.

  3. Peranso finds a dominant period at 10.3196 +/- 0.0035 hours, showing that the correct period hasn’t been missed. Note that the period increments in the FALC Workbench table, column Time (h), are much larger towards the end of the period scan than at the beginning. 

    When you start your period analysis with an Automatic period scan, then your next logical step is to run a Regular period analysis afterwards, homing in on the period value coming out of the Automatic period scan.