The ASAS All Sky Automated Survey is an astronomical survey which goal is the photometric monitoring of 10^7 stars brighter than mag 14, all over the sky. Initiator of the project is Prof. Pzynski of Princeton University. Each ASAS observation is characterised by a time stamp (Julian Date), one or more Aperture magnitudes with their corresponding error values, and a Grade:
All ASAS observations are by default already heliocentric corrected. Important note: Peranso uses a different color notation than ASAS for plotting light curves. The color of a Peranso ASAS observation is determined by the Grade of that observation. This allows to easily differentiate between high quality and low(er) quality ASAS observations. Peranso lets you plot ASAS light curves directly through the Internet by clicking on the Add Asas-3 light curve button in the ObsWin toolbar. But you can also import ASAS text files. We acknowledge with thanks the services provided by the ASAS All Sky Automated Survey. For more information about ASAS, we refer to Pojmanski, G., 1997, Acta Astronomica, 47, 467. The All Sky Automated Survey |