Phoranso is a photometric reduction and analysis software developed by (Tonny Vanmunster). LesvePhotometry is a photometry tool developed by Belgian amateur astronomer Pierre de Ponthierre

Both products can generate reports in the AAVSO Extended File Format (EFF) or CBA format. Peranso provides direct support for both formats, allowing you to import Phoranso and LesvePhotometry reports either as AAVSO EFF files, or as CBA files. 

To open an AAVSO EFF or CBA file, proceed as follows:

  1. Select Open in the File menu (or click on in the Desktop Toolbar) to display the File Open box. 

  1. Navigate to the Peranso folder, which contains the Phoranso or LesvePhotometry text file. If you don't see the file in the file selector, make sure that the file type selector in the lower right corner of the file selector either shows All files (*.*) or AAVSO Photometry (*.txt) or CBA Photometry (*.txt). Select the file and click the Open button. 

  2. This loads the contents of the file and creates an Observations Window (ObsWin).